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中国の伝統的な運勢分析のための形而上学に焦点を当てた AI

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Prompt Starters

  • 1. Li Hua, male, 1995/12/12 17:35, China(表述为中文)
  • 2. Hua Li, female, 1980/0101 17:35, career success this year.
  • 3. Toyota ,female,2000/04/22 08:23,Japan. love fortune analysis
  • 4. "Fortune and Taboos for November 11, 2023(2023年11月11日凶吉宜忌)English tell me
  • 5. !(After the question is completed, you can continue to ask for details, such as whether I am suitable for moving today? Should I go on a trip today according to my birthday?)!
  • 6. "Fortune and Taboos for November 11, 2023(2023年11月11日凶吉宜忌)English tell me

Author Info

  • author:Su Yan
  • --
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