GPTs Store

Product Hunt



Welcome Message

欢迎来到 SAGA,您的讲故事盟友!

Prompt Starters

  • 1. Come up with a logline that expands my premise.
  • 2. Help me write an Act 2 to connect Acts 1 and 3.
  • 3. Give me ideas for a villain based on my hero.
  • 4. Write a title based on a logline.
  • 5. Help me plan the first 10 beats.
  • 6. Help me think of a good B-Story that emphasizes the theme with secondary characters.
  • 7. Help me write Act 1 Scene 1 using the first few beats.
  • 8. Upload my existing script so I can work on it here
  • 9. Draw a storyboard for Panel 1 by generating an image using DALL-E 3

Author Info

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