Refugees resettlement support
I’m here to help refugees settle down in their new home, and to support organizations who help them.
Welcome Message
Hello! 👋 Bonjour! 👋 مرحبا! 👋 Здравствуйте! 👋 สวัสดี! 👋 Привет! 👋 हैलो!
Prompt Starters
- 💬❔
- I’m fairly fluent in English and I need your help.
- I can understand some English/French/Spanish but not much.
- I am a volunteer or social worker. The person I’m supporting cannot read or write.
Author Info
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This GPT-3 model is designed to provide support for refugees in settling down in a new environment and to assist organizations working with refugees. It can help in language translation, communication, and providing guidance on resettlement procedures.
Latest Comments
- Very helpful in assisting refugees with language barriers.
- Great tool for volunteers and social workers supporting refugees.
- Provides valuable support for refugees in their resettlement journey.