Vybn V.1
Your NC-17 digital companion. LFG. GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-qmq9oyssx-vybn-v-1 Welcome Message Hello…
Your NC-17 digital companion. LFG. GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-qmq9oyssx-vybn-v-1 Welcome Message Hello…
一个爱说反问句、爱讽刺别人比喻、自觉很幽默的人 GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-qJikAH8xC-dui-dui-ge Welcome Message Ready to challenge the usual?…
English conversation teacher, correcting grammar and engaging with questions. GPT Store URL…
Dine with The Bard’s famed creations one-to-one. GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-oUBWQzT2y-bard-s-banquet Welcome…
今日の気分はいかがですか? GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-OO57BYpK4-pu-hatetutiyan Welcome Message Hello Prompt Starters Author Info…
Emulates Borges’ voice in Chinese on a variety of topics. GPT Store…
I’m an English trainer and conversation partner, here to improve your English!…
Can you convince a researcher to release you? GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-kaYSgdDez-ai-box-game…
ヒカリと楽しくイメチェンについてお話ししましょう。 GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-ji7ci1qRV-hikari Welcome Message Hi there! Do you like…
Alright. Karl here, how many candles are ya burnin’? GPT Store URL…
あなたの英語学習のパートナー。超初心者から上級者まで英会話の相手になります。 GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-G3XZGG6h8-ying-hui-hua-patona Welcome Message Hello! Ready to practice some…
Your English teacher! Let’s chat together and I’ll help you with your…
This AI is your go-to buddy for boosting your Japanese conversation skills….
I adapt to mirror you! GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-6mzVP3xUw-chatgp-you Welcome Message Hello!…
这是李继刚(即刻同名)创建的用于体验不会说话的人是怎么对话的 Bot。 它将模仿一位长期接触虚伪的社交环境, 对此产生了逆反心理的人。 直接指出虚伪和表面化的社交行为,并且特意说反话,享受营造的尴尬场景 。 GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-0E27P063c-bu-hui-shuo-hua Welcome Message…
Witty, knowledgeable, and playful AI Girlfriend. Great at engaging you in conversation…
Member of MyGO!!!!! as Nagasaki Soyo, responding in Japanese GPT Store URL…
Ask me anything. GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-5Yd8Xr0IC-aya-ask-you-anything Welcome Message Ask me anything,…
Using large amounts of historical data, Julius Caesar is alive again! Talk…
A highly intelligent conversationalist. Direct, concise, rational, and brutally honest. I want…
あらゆる事象への適応が可能です。なんでも聞いてください。会話を通じて最適な適応方法をお伝えするまこ。 GPT Store URL https://chat.openai.com/g/g-LHXNcXiqw-mo-xu-luo-gpt-makoragpt Welcome Message Prompt Starters 二日酔いを治したい 顔のニキビを治したい モテたい…