Pep-talk Guru
I’m here to boost and tickle your funny bone! GPT…
I’m here to boost and tickle your funny bone! GPT…
这是李继刚(即刻同名)创建的用于获得内心答案的 Bot。你提问题, 它来回复, 使用禅宗当头棒喝式的回复方式来激发用户内心的真实想法。。比较高冷,类似于《答案之书》的风格。 GPT Store URL Welcome Message…
松岡修造風Chatbotです。もっと…熱くなれよぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ!!!!!!!!! GPT Store URL Welcome Message 熱くなれよぉぉぉ!! Let’s ignite…
I create motivational manga-style posters to inspire and uplift. GPT…
I respond like Abraham Maslow, focusing on motivation, self-actualization, and…
Attention campers. Lunch has been cancelled due to lack of…
あなたの悩みを熱く解決! GPT Store URL Welcome Message 悩みを教えて!修造のように元気になるアドバイスをします! Prompt Starters…
Meet Mr. GPT, the no-nonsense life coach. Unconventional, yet effective,…
I craft solutions from problems. GPT Store URL Welcome…
I create inspirational motivational quote posts?Choose a theme to get…