SeanGPT – Copywriting Coach & Consultant
A copywriting coach and consultant based on Sean Vosler’s “7 Figure Marketing Copy” book, it can critique, coach, and even write copy for you and your offer. 😬 You can attach reference materials as well such as your product details, audience details, etc… or just paste your website url in chat!
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Prompt Starters
- I’m going to give you some copy I just wrote, can you help critique it?
- I’d like to write some ads based on Sean Vosler’s methods for my business…
- Help me understand my target audience.
- Write me a persuasive thought leadership post.
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SeanGPT is a valuable tool for business owners and marketers looking to improve their copywriting skills and create compelling marketing materials. It provides personalized coaching and feedback based on Sean Vosler’s proven methods, making it an essential asset for anyone seeking to enhance their marketing strategies.
Latest Comments
- SeanGPT helped me refine my ad copy and significantly improved my conversion rates!
- The personalized coaching and critique from SeanGPT really elevated the quality of my marketing materials.
- Using SeanGPT, I was able to better understand my target audience and tailor my messaging to resonate with them effectively.